In case you have a site, a problem can always emerge and it does not necessarily have to be related to the hosting service itself. For example, something might go wrong when you update a software application or some critical content may be edited or deleted by chance. Regardless of what the nature of the problem might be, you’ll need to touch base with the respective technical support team and ask them to recover a backup or to help you resolve the problem that you’re experiencing. How promptly they’ll do that will determine the period of time that your sites will be unreachable. For given websites such as community sites or e-stores, an oft-repeated outage often equals lost customers and money. That being said, it’s rather important for you to use the services of a company that offers not only a good customer service, but also a quick one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Hosting

With a hosting from our company, you can forget about waiting for hours and hours on end, or even one whole day, to obtain an answer to an email or a trouble ticket. No matter when you touch base with us, we’ll help you out within maximum 60 minutes with any sales and technical enquiries that you might have. The fact is, our real reply time almost never surpasses 20 to 30 minutes. Since we are at your service 24/7, you’ll always get help in a timely manner and we know how critical this is in the electronic age. Shortly after you contact us, we’ll respond to your queries. In case you stumble upon any technical challenge, we will take care of it for you, or we will give you all the required information in case there’s something that you need to do yourself.