The disk space function shows the overall amount of info that you could have on the hosting server at a time. With a home PC, for example, this is the total size of a single hard drive or the overall capacity of all the hard drives in the event that your computer has more than just a single one. Exactly as the space on a PC is divided between installed software programs, docs, music files etc, the server hdd space is usually shared between site files, databases and emails. Each file, folder or email will take some disk space on your server, and that means you should think about various factors, not only the size of the files which you upload. For example, receiving sizeable e-mail attachments or having a script-driven site where the user-generated info is stored in a database will also affect the hdd space you use.

Disk Space in Hosting

We have developed our hosting plans with the idea that the hdd storage will not be an issue for your web sites. While many hosting providers generate accounts using a single server, and in fact, the most widespread Control Panels were made to run solely on such a platform, we've applied a different solution. We have clusters of servers that control each part of the hosting service, so your files will be stored on a single cluster, your email on another one,the databases on a third one, etcetera. Using this cloud platform we accomplish two things - the storage space is virtually limitless as we can connect as many servers and hard disks to our clusters as required, and we improve the overall effectiveness of each and every machine due to the fact that only one kind of processes will operate on it. This custom setup will help you improve your websites as much as you'd like without worrying about not having enough hdd storage.